All pictoral form begins with the point that sets itself in motion. The point moves and the line comes into being–the first dimension.
Paul Klee


Linefield was a group exhibition, held at the Brooklyn Beauty and Fashion Laboratory. The exhibition explored how Artists make creative use of a basic artistic element, the line. The work consisted of abstract organic forms, collage, geometric shapes, letterforms, glyphs, flags and maps and makes original commentary on the perception of space, the structure of language, the design of symbols and the material of dreams.

Our goal is to build a sustainable future for artists by creating self-funded exhibitions that develop direct connections between emerging artists and emerging collectors. As we work on creating a stronger network of support for artists, we also maintain a focus on providing engaging arts appreciation activities for kids and young children.

An image of gallery visitors at Linefield, a Keyeser & Marie Project

Linefield, a group exhibition curated and produced by Keyeser & Marie

Dates: November 7-11, 2018
Location: Brooklyn Beauty and Fashion Labo
300 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215

A group of young artists at Linefield, a Keyeser & Marie Project